Tuesday 7 November 2017

Quebec to Issue 29,000 Certificates to Successful Applicants in 2018

Quebec has recently released it immigration plan for the year 2018. The plan states strategies on welcoming newcomers, businesspeople, family members and refugees to the province.
The province intends to formulate new system based on what it calls ‘declaration of interest’ much like the Express Entry by the federal government. We do not know when this new immigration plans will be rolled out and how it may function.
Though, two important figures are revealed of the plan as of now. These figures are the number of people to be selected by Quebec and the target number of people to be admitted to Quebec as permanent residents.
The province will also be issuing a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ). This certificate declares that the issued candidate meets the set eligibility criteria and is entitled to settle in the province of Quebec. Candidates holding a CSQ are able to apply for Canadian permanent residence to the federal immigration authorities.
Now, the province of Quebec has planned to issue up to 29,000 certificates under its skilled worker programs next year. This includes certificates issued under what the province calls the Regular Skilled Worker Program, as well as certificates issued under the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ).

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