Tuesday 7 November 2017

#European #BlueCard Now Allows Faster Entry to Netherlands

To enter and live in Netherlands on a temporary basis, an employee in many cases will need to have a special permit called a regular provisional residence permit also known as MVV.
If an employee does not require a regular provisional residence permit in case he has a BlueCard issued another European country for at least 18 months. If this is the case, the employer can submit an application for a residence permit. When IND – Immigration and Naturalization of Netherlands has given the notice that it will issue a residence permit, the employee sponsored by the employer may come to Netherlands
If the Employer’s nominated employee requires a regular provisional residence permit, then the employer will have to submit an application for a regular provisional residence permit and residence permit. The employee must collect the regular provisional residence permit at the Dutch consulate within 3 months. After arriving in Netherlands, the employee may collect his residence permit within 2 weeks.

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