Tuesday 7 November 2017

Australian Parents Visa Launched on May 5, 2017

The government of Australia launched the Parents Visa on May 5, 2017. This particular type of Visa is temporary Visa sponsored by a PR holder for his parents. This Visa allows a PR holder or an Australian’s parents to live in Australia for 3 or 5 years. Parental Visa holders cannot become permanent residents of Australia.
Parents are eligible to apply for Parent Visa:
  • If their child is an Australian Permanent Residency holder.
  • If their child is living in Australia for consecutive 2 years.
  • If their child sponsors them.
  • If they meet health and character clearance.
  • If they meet family balance test.
Temporary Visa holders cannot sponsor their parents for the Parents Visa.
The parent Visa approval consists of two stages. The sponsor and parents applications areseparately assessed. The approval of sponsor applications is required before sponsoring his parents.
Parents of the sponsor will need to go through a Balance of Family Test before being eligible for the Visa. Parents will not need to meet English language requirements for Visa grant.
The Parent Visa will only be valid for 3 years or 5 years. The 3 years Visa application will cost $5,000 and the charge for 5 years will cost $10,000.
The Parents Visa is renewable after the stay period. However, the maximum stay period for the Parent’s Visa is 10 years.
For further information and inquiry for the same, contact at info@visasabroad.com

Updates and Changes to# British Columbia (BC) Provincial Nominee Program#

The Canada’s Immigration Level Plans 2017, has set a target of welcoming 54,000 new permanent residents through the Provincial Nominee Program alone. The new immigration level plan will be updated in the coming two weeks unveiling news and updates on any changes in the plan.
The months of August and September were the most occupied months of British Columbia. Up to 2000 applications were received to assess and process under the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP). A range of skilled workers, graduates and entrepreneurs participated in the program and witnessing the striking interest of individuals, BC launched a new stream solely for tech workers called BC PNP Tech Pilot.
The high interest of individuals for immigrating to BC may encourage BC to include more streams and intake thresholds for individuals.

#European #BlueCard Now Allows Faster Entry to Netherlands

To enter and live in Netherlands on a temporary basis, an employee in many cases will need to have a special permit called a regular provisional residence permit also known as MVV.
If an employee does not require a regular provisional residence permit in case he has a BlueCard issued another European country for at least 18 months. If this is the case, the employer can submit an application for a residence permit. When IND – Immigration and Naturalization of Netherlands has given the notice that it will issue a residence permit, the employee sponsored by the employer may come to Netherlands
If the Employer’s nominated employee requires a regular provisional residence permit, then the employer will have to submit an application for a regular provisional residence permit and residence permit. The employee must collect the regular provisional residence permit at the Dutch consulate within 3 months. After arriving in Netherlands, the employee may collect his residence permit within 2 weeks.

#Australia is looking for #Skilled Carpenters to immigrate in their country

Australian Government is actively looking for skilled and licensed Carpenters to fulfill the country’s demands. Australia is known to be an opportunity driven country and opportunities for all kind of candidates keep arising.
If you are a skilled Carpenter and willing to migrate to Australia, check out the points mentioned below.
  • You need to be qualified in your field and need to hold the required work experience.
  • You should be able to work independently and be a team player too.
  • Be able to interpret and understand architectural plans.
  • You should have attained a White Card.
  • Should be well experienced and have high-quality workmanship.
  • You should be able to comminute properly.

ITA For Subclass 189 and Subclass 489 for Australia Immigration To Be Issued in October,2017

he upcoming invitation rounds for the Subclass 189 and Subclass 489 ITA are to be issued on October 4 and October 18. The table below shows the number of ITAs that will be issued to applicants falling in both subclasses. 
Visa SubclassMaximum number
OCTOBER 4, 2017 
Skilled – Independent (subclass 189)1250
Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass 489)100
OCTOBER 18, 2017 
Skilled – Independent (subclass 189)1250
Skilled – Regional Provisional (subclass 489)100
Any changes to this information or news shall be timely updated on our website.

#ITA Rounds for Australia Immigration To Be Held Twice A Month

The Invitation to Apply rounds for the Australian PR will be held twice every month. The next ITA rounds for the same will be held on 20th September 2017 with a maximum number of 1750 invitations for Skilled – independent (Subclass 189) and 200 invitations for Skilled – Regional Provisional (Subclass 489).
In addition, nominations for state or territory government nomination (Subclass 489) visas will continue as normal.

Child Care Benefit for# Australian Permanent Residence Holders

Much like Canada, the Government of Australia also provides Child Care benefits to its citizens and permanent residents. In simple terms, Child Care benefit is a lump sum amount that the government provides to eligible families to support their children. Below are the details how Child Care Benefit in Australia works.


In order to be eligible for Child Care Benefit, you must meet the following criteria:
  •  You must need an approved care or a registered Child Care plan
  • You should be responsible for paying for the child’s care
  •  You must make sure that your child is immunised or an immunization for the child is up in schedule
  •  You should be a citizen of Australia or a permanent resident

What is an Approved Care?

Approved Child Care services are those that have Australian government approval. These Child Care benefits come with benefits like reduced Child Care fee.
When availing approved Child Care benefit, you pay fewer fees out of your pocket. An approved Child Care can include:
  •  Long day care
  •  Family day care
  • Outside school hours care
  • Vacation care
  • In-home care; and
  • Occasional care
There will not be any care provided for schooling once your child begins recognized a primary level of school for each state.
An approved Child Care benefit can provide:
  • Up to 24 hours per child per week, available to all eligible families, or
  • Up to 50 hours per child per week if
  1. You or your partner are a grandparent and are a primary caretaker of your grandchild.
2. You or your partner are working, looking up for work, training or studying for at least 15 hours per week or 30              hours per fortnight, or
3. You and your partner meet the exception from the requirement
Information You Need to Provide to Avail an Approved Child Care
While enrolling your child for an approved Child Care, you will be notified to submit certain details about you and your child.
These details are as follow:
  • Your customer relationship number (CRN) and date of birth
  • Your child’s customer relationship number (CRN) and date of birth
When you submit a claim for child care benefit, you and your child will get a CRN as soon as a record is created with an Approved Child Care.
You can either claim your Child Care benefits in either fee reduction or a lump sum amount.

If You Claimed Child Care Benefits as a Fee Reduction

Upon submitting yours and your child’s CRN and date of birth, an enrolment is created with Centrelink. If you are eligible and have chosen for payments to be made to your Child Care service, Centrelink will provide the details to an Approved Child Care and offer you Child Care Rebate. This, in turn, means that you will be paying less for your Child Care.

If You Claimed Child Care Benefits as a Lump Sum

Even if you plan to get a lump sum amount for your Child Care Benefit or Child Care rebate, you will still need to submit yours and your child’s CRN and date of birth. This allows Centrelink to receive your child’s attendance which further assists the system to process the claim.
What is a Registered Care for Child Care Benefit?
The registered childcare is a care to the child provided by individuals who are registered as carers with Centrelink. This can include care provided by Nannies, grandparents, relatives, friends or neighbours.
Child care benefit for registered care is paid at a standard rate for up to 50 hours per child per week if:
  • You and your partner are working, studying or training for 15 hours per week
  • You and your partner meet an exception from the requirement

Payment Rates

The payment rates for Approved and Registered child care benefits are as follows:
Approved Care
The current rate for an approved child care rate is $4.30 per child per hour which totals up to $215 per week. The payment rates for school-aged children are 85% of the rates of non-school-aged children.
Your circumstances like your family’s income, the number of children attending child care, the type of child care service and the number of hours you use as child care can all affect your child care payment.
If you do not participate in any work, school or any type of training, you can get up to 24 hours of child care per week. In case, you participate in work, study or other training that consumes about 15 hours per week or 30 hours every fortnight, you can avail up to 50 hours of child care.
You may get a higher rate of payment if you are a grandparent and a primary carer of the child.
Registered Care
The current rate of the registered care for a non-school aged child for 50 hours per week is $0.719 per child per hour, $35.95 per child per week.
The payment is made to the registered child care directly once you submit a claim and supporting receipt.

Quebec to Issue 29,000 Certificates to Successful Applicants in 2018

Quebec has recently released it immigration plan for the year 2018. The plan states strategies on welcoming newcomers, businesspeople, family members and refugees to the province.
The province intends to formulate new system based on what it calls ‘declaration of interest’ much like the Express Entry by the federal government. We do not know when this new immigration plans will be rolled out and how it may function.
Though, two important figures are revealed of the plan as of now. These figures are the number of people to be selected by Quebec and the target number of people to be admitted to Quebec as permanent residents.
The province will also be issuing a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ). This certificate declares that the issued candidate meets the set eligibility criteria and is entitled to settle in the province of Quebec. Candidates holding a CSQ are able to apply for Canadian permanent residence to the federal immigration authorities.
Now, the province of Quebec has planned to issue up to 29,000 certificates under its skilled worker programs next year. This includes certificates issued under what the province calls the Regular Skilled Worker Program, as well as certificates issued under the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ).

No Invitations Issued To Accountants Due SkillSelect Technical Glitches

Earlier we mentioned that accountants for visa 189 invitations had to secure 85 points in order to be eligible to receive the ITA. We already suspected that it could be a technical glitch as the mentioned points score higher than usual.
Australian Immigration has confirmed the same and no invitations to accountants were issued in the invitation rounds held on October 4.
Since this is confirmed, accountants can breathe in some fresh air and wait until these SkillSelect technical difficulties are resolved.

Manitoba Invited 395 Skilled Applicants on 31st Oct 2017

On 31st October,2017 Manitoba Province has invited 395 candidates to get settled in Manitoba permanently along with family members. Out of 395 candidates,351 candidates got invitation,comes in the category of Skilled Worker in Manitoba and remaining 44 candidates comes in Skilled Workers Overseas category, who were invited directly by Manitoba under Strategic Recruitment Initiative. Candidates got invitation in the category of Skilled Worker Overseas had 730 points and more.

Updates and Changes in Visa sub-classes to Work and Live in Melbourne, Victoria

Melbourne is a beautiful city to live and work in Australia. The Australian government has brought about some changes and made some updates to its Visa sub-classes. Here are certain updates and changes made to Visa classes in Victoria.

For Business Migration in Victoria

New Property Development Criteria for the Subclass 132 Visa
Here are following criteria introduced for the Business Talent (Permanent) Visa (Subclass 132) Visa – Significant Business History stream and to all business activities that relate to property development.
These criteria include:
  • An applicant must have relevant occupation experience and educational qualifications. For instance, a certified architecture engineer or a construction manager can apply through this stream. Higher work experience and higher educational qualifications can result in easy qualification.
  • The property development work must relate to any of Victoria’s priority sector strategies.
  • A capital investment of AUD$2 million is required excluding land purchase costs.
  • The business activity should not be of small-scale and not be a project-based property development.
These changes do not apply to the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 188).

For Skilled Migration in Victoria

Changes Made to Skilled Applications for Engineering and Building Occupations
Due to plenty of applications received, applications for engineering and building occupation enlisted on the Nomination Occupation List for Victoria will not be accepted from 16th October 2017 to 12th January 2018.
However, applicants having an offer of employment in Victoria in their nominated occupation or meet the streamlined PhD or 457 pathways will not be affected by this change and can still apply during this time.
Something to also note is that there are certain changes and updates made to the work experience requirements made to some occupations.
The Overseas Qualifications Assessment Form is Now Online
Overseas qualifications can now be easily assessed by filling the online form. The online form is said to provide efficient service to overseas-qualified professionals permanently living in Victoria. This is a free assessment and helps residents secure work in Victoria.
Applications for overseas qualifications assessment will only be accepted online from 15th of November 2017.

Canada is set to invite almost One Million Immigrants through 2020

Canada is ready and set to invite about a million immigrants between the year 2018 and 2020. This immigration level target was set in the government’s new multi-year immigration levels plan tabled in the House of Commons on November 1. Reports state that the majority of these new permanent immigrants will be made up of economic migrants or skilled workers in simple terms. Most of these economic newcomers are set to immigrate through the Express Entry system. Targets for economic immigration will increase every year until 2020.
Under the proposed plan, 310,000 new permanent residents will settle in Canada in the year 2018. This target will be increased to 330,000 newcomers in 2019 and further 340,000 newcomers in 2020.

Express Entry and PNPs

According to the reports, of all the newcomers, around 565,000 immigrants will be admitted to Canada through the economic programs managed under Express Entry. The increasing immigration level witnessed in the year 2017, makes it clear that Express Entry is now the main driver of economic immigration to Canada.
Something that was also noticed that the increased target for Express Entry candidates in 2017 was a contributory factor in the decrease of eligibility CRS cut-off threshold.
The remaining 184,000 immigrants would be economic migrants and their family members admitted to Canada through PNP. The provincial nominee programs allow individuals to settle into the provincial labour market.
The year 2018 will witness even more PNP immigration activity than in 2017, which has already been the busiest year. In the beginning of 2018, Alberta is set to join provinces and territories in offering an enhanced express entry stream. Anyhow, the exact criteria for the Alberta stream are unclear until now. In the recent months, many provinces have made tweaks and changes to their own PNP programs. For example, Ontario has targeted candidates for IT occupations, Saskatchewan has expanded its occupation demand list, Nova Scotia reopened the popular Express Entry ‘Demand’ stream and British Columbia launched a Tech Pilot stream targeting IT professionals.
The province of Quebec will also continue to welcome 94,000 skilled workers and business immigrants over the next three years.

Reuniting Families

Canada still aims to reunite families as part of its multi-year immigration levels plan. The target is to reunite around 265,000 spouses, common-law partners, dependent children, parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents through the family class programs. Each year this target will increase slightly.
On the humanitarian and compassionate grounds, 3,500 individuals are set to obtain permanent residency in Canada.

Temporary Closure in Receiving Applications for Engineers and Builders in Victoria

Because of an increased number of application received for engineering and builder occupations, the applications for the same on the Visa Nomination Occupation List for Victoria will not be accepted from 16th of October 2017 to 12th of January 2018.
However, applicants who hold an employment offer from an employer in Victoria in their nominated occupation or meet the Streamline PhD or 457 Pathways are not affected by this closure. They can continue to apply for these engineering and building occupations during this time of closure.
Here is the list of occupations affected by the temporary closure:
  • 312112 – Building Associate
  • 233211 – Civil Engineer
  • 312211 – Civil Engineering Draftsperson
  • 233311 – Electrical Engineer
  • 312311 – Electrical Engineering Draftsperson
  • 233512 – Mechanical Engineer
  • 233914 – Engineering Technologist
This temporary closure will ensure that all outstanding applications received prior to 16th of October will be assessed during this period.
Applications for all other occupations will be open and assessed as normal.

New Eligibility Criteria for Engineering Occupations

Starting from 16th of October, the minimum work experience and specialisation requirements to apply for engineering occupations on the Visa Nomination Occupation List for Victoria are mentioned in the table below:
ANZSCOOccupationMinimum IELTS Requirements (Or Equivalent)Minimum Work ExperienceSpecialisation
233211Civil Engineer7.0 in each bandFive Years 
312211Civil Engineering Draftsperson7.0 in each bandFive Years 
233311Electrical Engineer7.0 in each bandFive Years 
312311Electrical Engineering Draftsperson7.0 in each bandFive Years 
233512Mechanical Engineer7.0 in each bandFive Years 
233914Engineering Technologist7.0 in each bandFive Years in Civil or Mechanical EngineeringOnly work experience in the civil or mechanical engineering disciplines is eligible