Monday 1 November 2021

Migrate to Canada Under Skilled Worker Visa for Overseas Candidate

The Skilled Worker Visa Program is among the pathways within Express Entry that give room for overseas candidates to work in Canada. It also allows employers to hire workers from overseas to work in a particular job. 
Skilled workers are selected as permanent residents based on their education, work experience, knowledge of English and/or French, and other factors. These are one of the things that help the applicant succeed in Canada.

 Skilled Worker Visa Requirements

When applying for a skilled worker visa, you are required to have a good CRS score because that is what will determine your level in the Express Entry pool.  For the Skilled Worker Visa Program, there are 3 least requirements to be considered and they are;

1. Work Experience 

Workers who are interested in applying for immigration to Canada under the  Skilled Worker Visa Program are required to have work experience/ knowledge in jobs that are under particular categories on the NOC job list. Such as managerial, professional, technical, or trade categories. Most times when these categories are introduced in the context of immigration, people tend to refer to the catalog as the Skilled Worker Job List.

2. Language Proficiency 

To apply for the Skilled Workers Visa Program, you will need to prove your language profit/proficiency and this involves taking an authorized language test to examine your writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills in English and/or French. 
Note that French is not compulsory but it will help boost your chance of getting a high rank if you are good at it.

The Authorized Language Tests

IELTS – International English Language Testing Program (IELTS) 
TEF – TEF (Test d’Evaluation de Français)
CELPIP – Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP)

3. Education Credentials Assessment 

You should have proof of your educational background. It can be a certificate, diploma, or degree. So you will need to take an ECA.

 CRS Score
Another requirement to meet aside the 3 minimum requirements is that interested applicants will be examined based on diverse factors. They will be given points for each factor. Evaluations are based on the six preference factors that define their capacity to adapt to the Canadian economy. The six factors are: 

Work Experience
Language Proficiency
Job Offer

How To Boost Your CRS Score
To qualify to apply for a skilled worker visa, an applicant must be able to attain 67 points out of a possible 100. Coupled with that, each applicant must indicate that they have a substantial amount to fund not only themselves but also their dependents once they arrive in Canada.

If you get a good CRS score, you will be ranked on the Express Entry Pool and this will allow you to receive an Invitation To Apply (ITA)  for a permanent residency card. Once all the processes and requirements have been completed, and an immigration officer has checked to confirm, you will then be requested to visit the local immigration office to pick up your PR card. You will be asked to pick up the card within 180 days of the notice letter.